Friday, April 17, 2009

Beds, Sleep and Me

On a vacation with the hubby. Love to get away, but oh my, those motel beds! Worse than the beds are the pillows. I'm not complaining, mind you, but through this experience I have decided that "I'm too old for this" in regards to bedding down around the country! Give me my saggy old mattress and my 'just right height, firmness, poofy pillows'. Hampton Inn and Marriott do not have the market cornered on my preferences.

Please understand that I am not complaining, because I feel very blessed and privileged to have taken this trip, BUT its pure and simple form, such as sleep, has for the most part, eluded me. This is day 6 of 8, and last night was the first night that I did not see nearly every hour on the clock. Could be the elevation, the travel (my husband does not do 'vacations'-he does TRIPS), or a combination of all the above. Even with sleeping for 5 hours straight, my East Coast body is revolting against my West Coast presence. Oh, I know....that 5 hour west to east flight back day after tomorrow will straighten me out just fine. (Anybody up for bets as to how frisky I will be bright and early Monday morning? I'll take that bet and raise you a sick day!)

I need my blankey! Really, I need my two pillows, my other two pillows, and just the right cover.....not the down insulation for an eskimo, which most places feel that we need, nor the 'almost fits the bed' sheet that you can read through. No, I'm too old and ornery and need my sleep.....and my pillows, and my blankey.

So, I'll take some Tylenol and hope that my neck won't get a crick like the other night from sleeping on that thing that was like a bag of cotton balls. Do these people NOT get it? Poofy, people, poofy!

Night night....I hope~!

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