Monday, May 25, 2009

Dust, weeds, and dirty clothes

I'm trying to remember how long it took me to finally figure out that some things never get finished. Maybe it is the dust/dirt that continually piles up on my furniture and floors. Having the critters that I have IN THE HOUSE do not help the matter.

What is the first thing a dog does when he wakes up? Shakes. As if there weren't enough hair on the floor or in the air, let's give it a boost. Can't retrain the darlin'. He's 7 years old, a black German Shepherd. What is weird is that he's gray on his undercoat. Took him outside to comb/brush and try to get the dead hair that is being shed into the yard (if I get it off outside, I do not have to vacuum it!). I combed about a bucket-full of hair. Mercy. There are some dogs somewhere that got jipped when it came to their fair share. I wish they'd come by and claim it.

Then there is the darling kitty, er kitties. If I brushed them daily like a good pet owner, they might not leave their precious fur on my curtains and even carpet. If it weren't for the benefits of having a sweet friend that purrs and loves on you regardless of how you look, what you are wearing, or even if you haven't brushed your teeth's worth the price. That little purr with the swinty eyes that says "I'm happy and I love you" (cat owners understand)....and the instant decrease in blood pressure after a hard day when they come to say hello and how important I am....I'll keep on vacuuming.

Then there are the weeds. I learned this the hard way, too. No matter what you do, they grow. They grow and no matter how definitely you destroy them, they return with a vengeance. All those poor, pretty flowers. I thought I just had to get rid of the weeds initially and then the flowers would be all happy and landscape artistry would exude. No. Not gonna happen. I can't tell you how many warm mornings I was out there standing on my head pulling those darn weeds with sweat running into my eyes. It was about that point that I said to myself "I'm way too old for this." Don't other people HIRE someone to care for the plants, etc.? Yes. Me? No. I'm too poor for that.

So, let's see....I have addressed the never-ending dust that accumulates (including four sources of hair, not including human), weeds that are healthy no matter the rain, heat, nor obliteration at the first of the season, so that brings me to dirty clothes.

How in the world can humans get clothes so dirty? I would understand if we rolled in the dirty, hairy floor, or kicked dirt upon us pulling those weeds. Never have understood that. Guess I'm not supposed to have fun Saturdays or the life of leisure. Those clothes pile up and if I want clean underwear, then I have to get busy. I might add that dishes do the same thing....and how, I do NOT know!

Such is the life of a Domestic Goddess, and me too.

I suppose it's the cycle of life....and dirt, and laundry, and dishes!