Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Citykitty the Prepper

Oh. I have heard so much lately about preparing for the worst. The worst of what, I'm still not sure. At any rate, I drank the Koolaid. Some friends are stocking up. Perhaps I can just go to their house when all else fails. My husband thinks it's silly. Maybe so. I can't just do nothing. That sounds like bad grammar, but the gist is true. So, last trip to Costco, I get 25 pounds of rice, 13 pounds of baking soda, 3 bottles of Clorox, and a huge thing of laundry detergent. Here are the reasons for those purchases: the laundry detergent is the only obvious one. Baking soda: you can do anything with that, including wash clothes, brush teeth, bathe, boat anchor (it is heavy-13 pounds!), etc. Clorox, well, it purifies water if needed. Rice? You can live on it with some beans thrown in. Hey, I watch the survival series “Alone.” They would kill for a bowl of rice. Anyway, my friends also told me that if you have something in excess, you can barter with someone for things they have that you need…IF you have something to trade. Now I do! Then there is the security issue of crazy days. I asked my neighbor, a veteran and nice person if he was armed and had enough ammo. He said, “all you have to do is get over here.” Basically saying… ”I got you.” Comforting. Perhaps he knows something I don’t. He is very smart, and works in AI for a company. He has a fence around his property along with security cameras. I think he’s got it down. I feel pretty safe. So, after watching all these videos about ‘dry canning’…yeah-didn’t know that was a thing…I have put up 25 pounds of rice in quart size freezer bags, found two empty Tupperware cake carriers and stacked them in there along with one of those oxygen reducers (that come in pill bottles). I keep those things, for just this reason. My mother kept vacuum cleaner bags, my aunt kept aluminum foil, I keep those little oxygen reducer packs. I keep them on the shelf where my medications are stored. See? I do prep! So, if my Lord tarries and doesn’t take me home before the world goes crazy, I’ll have some rice to eat and be able to brush my teeth.

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