Thursday, April 2, 2009

Medicine and me

Medicine. Can't live with it, can't live without it. Remember those days when a Tylenol would cure what ailed you? How about just a baby aspirin and maybe some mercuricrome? Bactine was good in the old days, too. Now we have high profile steriods to reduce the swelling, nose sprays to keep the nasal passages open, sleeping pills to allow you to sleep while on the steriods, and then the Nexium and Priolsec to keep the acid at bay which aggrevates all of it. GOOD GRIEF....."I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS"!, or maybe that's what getting old is all about. Stuff just doesn't work right anymore, gives out, runs dry, leaks, creaks, or just won't function.

So, yes....suffering from allergies and/or a cold. How can one tell the difference? I believe I'm allergic to anything that moves, blooms, has hair and crawls. Then there is Mold....the silent killer. If it were dust or cobwebs, I'd be dead long ago. Lovely to see the green, the colors of the flowers in bloom, but oh my, what it does to my sinuses! I know some of you suffer with me. I thought I was too mean to get sick and throw in the towel. I just thought I was mean....until the steriods got a hold of me. Those poor middle schoolers.....they will think their teacher is the spawn of a demon when this stuff kicks in.

Happy sneezing, blowing, aching and not sleeping. Maybe that's why we have spring we can get over it all or go somewhere to cure us. Go take your medicine like a good girl. Gross!

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