Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hello, and welcome to my blog. I have created this blog to vent about those things that I 'used' to do frequently, but now for some reason, don't. I really believe that getting old is in your mind, but aging creeps up on all of us. I'm 54 and pretty proud of it, but there are some things that I'm just not going there to do anymore. A therapist once told me that it would do me good to write it down, so I'm thinking that I'm not the only one that is frustrated with used to's.

Today's special is "Fail". It started this morning when I was supposed to pay a bill online. I knew it was there...had it in a special place....did my 'morning' thing, and then came home after a melt-down day and there she sat....unpaid. Well, logged on and paid it, it was about 6:00pm. Cut off was at 3:00pm. Late charge, here you come. I used to could remember stuff. Now I suffer from that disease my cousin told me about....CRS: Can't Remember S*$#.

Now that's toward the end of the day. The first FAIL came today at school (I teach middle school Chorus class) when I encounter students who just don't care, don't appreciate, don't try, get the picture. I melted down. Time for a nerve pill. *yeah, those things my grandmother and aunts used to take when life got hard...I've joined those ranks - more on that in a later chapter!*

So, once the melt-down begins, it continues. Nothing can stop it...think of a nuclear reactor, and put that in your brain. So, the pity party begins, and I'm thinking...say it with me ''I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS!" Five more years until retirement, so I'd better tie a knot and hang on.

On the positive side, there ARE kids that want to do right, want to learn, and do care about their classes and their teachers. Must dwell on those and let those who want to FAIL! I'm very thankful that the earth still rotates, the sun will go down, and the moon will rise. About 7:30 or so in the morning, that sun will rise and another opportunity will be given to try again. Ah, but we must remember what that Jedi Master Yoda said..."Do or do not. There is no try." So, we will do. We will do a better job tomorrow. Meanwhile, that nerve pill is kicking in. Make it a good night.

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