Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, I'm tuckered out. My singing stamina has up and gone. We're doing the Easter section of the "Messiah" on Palm Sunday. I used to could sing all day and half the night, but alas, my vocal cords are screaming something at me right now....say it with me "I'm too old for this!" I'm thinking that Mr. Handel hated sopranos, anyway. He must have had some grudge against an aunt, sister, governess, or even Mom to put those Ds up there and just hang on. For crying out loud, it's inhumane! To make one scream on a constant pitch and then run all over with it you control is like cutting your finger and getting it to bleed in one spot!

This is one thing I won't give up, though. My friend (who sits beside me in choir) and I have made a pact: when one of us starts sounding like an injured cat when we sing, the other will lovingly and gently say "You're too old for this" and then we will graduate ourselves on up to the seniors' choir. Not to say that the seniors' choir is bad, mind you, but the discipline it takes to sing something as heavy as Handel ain't for sissies or old people. In fact, I may be graduating sooner than I think. I was standing there tonight just screaming my guts out and the thought occurred to me just how heavy that book was that I was holding. I'll admit it....I have a 'sissy' streak. I whine alot, too. I'm getting really good at whining, so I suppose that's one of those things you graduate into as well.

Maybe the day when I can't stand up for the Halellujah Chorus will be the day I really AM too old for this...or maybe I'll be in Heaven then and it won't really matter. Halellujah!

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